Récit Photography » by Larissa Gonçalves


Récit is a french word meaning: detailed narrative, to tell a story

When pronounced in English it becomes: re-see

to me it encapsulates all I love in photography, the storytelling and later, the possibility of looking back to it, to come back to those memories to re-see to re-live


Récit came with an urge I had to help everyone keep their stories alive, real, registered

Every chapter, phase, passage is worth being told. They are all part of you and helped build your overall story of life

The daily routine, the weekend outings, the travel adventures, the emotional passages, the job being accomplished, your talent helping others. The beauty we create, our impact in this world.

I feel honored with you trusting me to put ink in paper for you narrative. Let’s rècit !


About me; 

My name is Larissa 

It would be lovely to meet you and hear all about the tales you want to have told in pictures

  a few bits of me 

Ballerina, architect, English teacher, wife, mom, photographer – in that chronologic order and without eliminating any of them… Yes!! I am all of it!

I lived in Brazil, USA, Canada, USA (again), Belgium and now the United Arab Emirates is my home  – in that order and without eliminating any of them… beautiful pieces of my puzzle 🙂

I love to: eat, pray and love… and travel… and love…and eat… and pray… and travel, travel and travel, hahaha!

Long story short: loads of stories to tell (wink)